Home / PLC / NetToPlcSim: how to connect Step 7 PLC-Sim to Scadas

NetToPlcSim: how to connect Step 7 PLC-Sim to Scadas

This is a tutorial on how to connecto to NetToPlcSim. The official site to download the program is here: http://nettoplcsim.sourceforge.net/

With NetToPLCSim you are able to connect your SCADA/HMI-systems via S7-communication to PLCSim over TCP/IP, and read/write data areas from your simulated PLC.

What do you need to connect:
1- PLCSim v 5.4
2- Ethernet cable plugged in (some peoples says this is needed)
3- Port 102 Opened (so exception in your firewall and shutdown s7oiehsx service (command line from start -> run : net stop s7oiehsx)

Let’s create a new project, add a s7 300-2DP (standard configuration) and an ethernet card CP-343-1.

Now the PC that is running Step 7 and PLCSim is the PLC, this means that PC and ethernet card must have the same IP Address and if you are communicating with another PC you have to set also the router address. In my project this is the configuration of ethernet card:

Set Pg/Pc interface on TCP/IP and check that plcSim is using TCP/IP too:

Save, Download and Close Hardware Configuration.

Create a program, download it and go online to check that everything is working with PLCSim (TCP/IP).

Then open NetToPLCSim, push Add button and configure the plc (pc):

If you are on testing in localhost you can also use this configuration:

If you did everything good you should see the plc when you browse for addresses; now press Start All and you are ready to use PLCSim with your SCADA.

You can download the sample for Step 7 v 5.5 here: https://www.mesta-automation.com/Downloads/Nettoplc.zip


  1. Hi, What version of Simatic Manager you are used…?

  2. how if use plc sim tia portal?

    • How can you configure citect scada installed in the same computer as step7 v5.5 to communicate with plcsim

      • You configure it the same way as you would configure it for a real S7 plc with an ethernet port. Just use as Ip address, if you are running NetToPlcSim locally.

    • Enter your comment here…Thanks for u quick reply.
      please explain to me how to do it step by step. Thanks in advance .

  3. Hello, can I use nettolcsim to communicate with iFix?

  4. Hello ,

    PLSIM only allows to have datas within PLC Simulation , while my PLC is connected to en engine with VPN and displays variable data in dynamic visualization.
    If I connect my Vb app via Nettoplcsim, I could not have real data, would you have another solution ?

  5. Saptarshi Dasgupta

    Can PLC Step 7 be connected with Citech SCADA through NetToPLCSim.??


  6. Saptarshi Dasgupta


    Can we connect Siemens Step 7 with Citect SCADA through NetToPLCSim.


  7. Thank a lot!

  8. Hi Mesta,
    Ethernet cable plugged in where?

    • Hi Mesta,
      Finally it works. Now i’m trying to read datablock from netToPlc. Any suggestion or just download th DB from step7 to Plcsim?
      Thanks a lot !

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